
Looking to make a socially minded, sound investment into the SDA Market?

ASDA Provider Group takes care of the whole process for you. If you are looking to invest into SDA (Special Disability Accommodation) in Qld, NSW, South Australia & WA. We have a number of properties and locations to assist and help you through the wholes process. ASDA Provider Group is the link between the builders through to the Participants. To find out more just click on the link below

Why invest in SDA?

Specialist Disability Accommodation not just provides returns on for your investment but is a rapidly growing sector within the NDIS scheme. Not only is SDA providing the opportunity to enrich the lives of others, it is a sound investment for decades to come.

On 30 June 2019, some 13,309 participants (4.5 per cent of all NDIS participants) had SDA supports in their plans, with the total number of SDA participants increasing by 7.7 per cent in the previous quarter and 50.3 per cent in the previous year.

It is important to note that there is no cap on the number of SDA participants and all participants that meet the requirements will receive SDA funding.


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